Sucy Manbavaran, a Mischievous Witch

Sucy Manbavaran, brings depth and charm to Little Witch Academia. Her enigmatic nature, her fascination with poisons, and sharp resourcefulness add to her allure. Read on for an indepth look at her character.

Night Raid, who are they?

Night Raid is made up of Akame, the swordswoman, Sheele, a young woman armed with a huge pair of scissors, Lubbock a string manipulator, Bulat the armoured warrior, the Sniper Mine, the beast fighter Leone and their leader Najenda, a former general of the imperial army.

Akame, a Deadly Assassin

This post is a simple look at who Akame was as a character in the anime, Akame Ga Kill. I have kept the character break down spoiler-free as I can.

Tatsumi, an Innocent and Passionate Assassin

This post is a simple look at who Tatsumi was as a character in the anime, Akame Ga Kill. I have kept the character break down as spoiler-free as I could.

Red-Haired Anime Characters

As I did with my purple hair anime characters post I shall be expanding on the history of the colour red, as well as the various meanings the colour red holds. Of course, I will be including a list of red-haired anime characters too.

Susanoo, Aid to Night Raid

I do not know of a single person who did not like Susanoo. All I know is , he is the Teigu I wish I could have. Here is a quick character breakdown (^w^)

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