Halloween Meets Anime: A Night of Thrills and Chills

Anime Halloween Night promises to be a night of excitement, creativity, and shared passion. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of anime, meet fellow fans, and make unforgettable memories.

5 Horrors for Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! Here are five horror anime you can watch this Halloween for some horror festivities. I don't know about you, but I really enjoy horrors when they have a decent plot point and proper intrigue. Below are some great horror anime to watch. 1. Corpse Party A small group of high school students... Continue Reading →

5 Horrendous Reads

Ah, October, the month of horror. October 31st is Halloween and people are affected with the horror fever and I am no exception. Here are five horror filled manga that are great reads that gets your mind working. 1. Catharsis Mangaka: Ahniki Leon is an average teenager although he comes across as gloomy and does not really... Continue Reading →

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