Black Torch, I’m Picking Up Bleach Vibes

automatically gets my full, undivided attention. Black Torch didn’t even take five pages and I was already thinking of Bleach. 19 chapters later and here I am writing this review.

Bleach: Binda Blinda

Gosh, where has my Friday gone? I realised I almost failed to get to today's breakdown chapter of Bleach! First note, what is with this chapter name? Today's chapter is an emotional one and also the first time one of my favourite quotes from Ichigo is said. So without further delay, here is the chapter... Continue Reading →

Bleach: Why Do You Eat It

This is going to be a really quick one as my hands are cold and it's painful and hard to type. In the fourth chapter, the shocking truth is revealed but before Ichigo can even take it all in, Rukia drops another bombshell. Orihime's delusions are out of control and I am loving the advice Tatsuki... Continue Reading →

Bleach: Head-Hittin

I realise I am not taking these breakdowns too seriously. I am approaching this lightheartedly for a few reasons. Namely because those reading this are like myself, enjoying the nostalgia while knowing exactly what is going on without me having to delve into it. Then for those new to Bleach (my heart both breaks and... Continue Reading →

Bleach: Starter

My brain is too tired to come up with an intro, so let us just dive straight into the quick break down of what goes on in Bleach's manga chapter two. Awoken by an overly physical father, Ichigo sees the patch job of their place and learns that his family is uninjured and that they... Continue Reading →

Mairunovich, a mushroom’s transformation

Mangaka: Sato Zakuri Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Shoujo Chapters: 76 Status: Complete Release Date: December 2010 Anime adaption: No About Kinoshita Mairu is troubled, she is called the poison mushroom by her classmates and has even taken to calling herself that as well. All because she is ugly. She is even apologetic to her cute... Continue Reading →

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