Filler Free Bleach

The Bleach anime has quite a few filler episodes, which led to the creation of this post.

3 Things That I Dislike About Bleach [02/30]

No series is perfect, there are always flaws and not everyone is going to like everything. As such, my second question in the Bleach series, I want to know what things do people dislike about the series. For some it could be certain battles, characters, arcs and so on. I am not looking for a Bleach bashing, but rather a introspective look at the series and understanding that there are just some things that we as fans (or not), simply dislike. Here are 3 things that I dislike about Bleach even though I am a big fan of the series.

5 Things That I Like About Bleach [01/30]

With this start of the 30 question series for Bleach for both the anime and the manga, I felt the first thing I had to ask was, why do you like Bleach? What parts of Bleach make you happy, what elements do you enjoy about it? What keeps you going back to Bleach again and again? Here are 5 things that I like about Bleach that keep me coming back for more year after year.

Bleach Challenge Round Up

Here are all 31 answers to July's Bleach Anime Challenge!

Best voice in Bleach

With so many characters Bleach had a massive casting and as such there were so many voices and obviously, there were some I could listen to endlessly and there were some which made me want to rip my ears off. So naturally, it would stand to reason that I would have a favourite voice. The... Continue Reading →

Best Side Character

I love side characters, they are not really bound by the plot as much as the main characters and thus they can pretty much do what they want and how they want to do it. As an added bonus, they are free to have basically any personality. In Bleach this was no exception and having... Continue Reading →

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