10 Anime I am Watching This Season

The new anime season, spring 2021, has just begun. Some of the below-mentioned anime have already aired their first episode. These lists reveal a lot about my tastes and by going through the seasonal list I can see the current trends and popular themes. The winter season had a lot of great new anime and I am hoping this spring brings a few gems with it.

Red-Haired Anime Characters

As I did with my purple hair anime characters post I shall be expanding on the history of the colour red, as well as the various meanings the colour red holds. Of course, I will be including a list of red-haired anime characters too.

10 Popular Shounen Anime

Shounen based anime are some of the most-watched anime out there. The intended audience for shounen anime are males aged between 10 and 18 but people of all ages and genders watch them. They cover the typical adventure, coming of age, action-based anime series that often shows the comrade between friends.  As such there are... Continue Reading →

5 Family Friendly Anime

I am often asked to recommend anime for people under the age of sixteen. Each time I find myself suggesting a whole list of anime and then remembering things that are not quite suitable for the under 16 bracket. Whether that be a few ecchi/fan service scenes, conversations that come up in the anime or... Continue Reading →

20 Manga to read this Lockdown

With still 20 days to go with the nationwide lockdown, that gives plenty of time to sit back and read some epic page-turners. Below is a mix of 20 manga. Some are ongoing but most of the below are completed. 1 One Piece With over 970 chapters and still ongoing, One Piece is a massive... Continue Reading →

Top 20 Seasonal Anime of 2016

Starting a new decade gives us the perfect opportunity to have a look at the previous decade's worth of anime. Starting with the year 2010, we will go through the top 5 anime of each season for each year. Top 5 anime of Winter 2016 1 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! / KonoSuba: God's... Continue Reading →

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