12 Fan Recommended Halloween Anime

I put a post up on my various social media platforms asking people what anime they would recommend for Halloween. Below are the resulting anime recommendations. I selected the ones that had the most mentions, other than that, I had no input or influence on the list.

Top 20 Seasonal Anime of 2014

Starting a new decade gives us the perfect opportunity to have a look at the previous decade's worth of anime. Starting with the year 2010, we will go through the top 5 anime of each season for each year. Top 5 anime of Winter 2014 1 Noragami Episodes: 12 Studios: Bones Source: Manga Genres: Action,... Continue Reading →

5 Horrors for Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! Here are five horror anime you can watch this Halloween for some horror festivities. I don't know about you, but I really enjoy horrors when they have a decent plot point and proper intrigue. Below are some great horror anime to watch. 1. Corpse Party A small group of high school students... Continue Reading →

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