The Blogger’s Story Award

I have  been nominated and for me that is a BIG deal, after all this is my first nomination. What have I been nominated for you ask? The Blogger’s Story Award, of course.

It would seem the award picture has been lost somewhere in the blogosphere. So following the pattern of the one who nominated me and their nominator I used an amusing gif. I chose Natsu from Fairy Tail.  This nomination came out of nowhere and really surprised me. It made my week so much better after a really crappy start so I really mean it when I say thank you to Rocco B from over at ‘In The Cubbyhole‘.


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Showcase the award picture
  • Answer the questions
  • Nominate 3+ bloggers and include a link to their blog


  1. A) What is your blog’s name? B) Why did you name it that?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. How many followers do you have?
  4. Who was your first follower?
  5. What got you into blogging?
  6. What is your favorite part about blogging?
  7. If you could improve anything at all about WordPress/blogging, what would it be?
  8. Why do you continue to blog?

So shall I get started then?

1.My blogs name, All About Anime was so that anyone who stumbled upon it knew exactly what the blog was about. Part of my job is to go through blogs, I spend hours doing it and often have to wonder about the name and what the content would be, I wanted the name to be precise and clear. As the name suggests all the content is about anime!

2 I am not really sure how long I have been blogging exactly, since I can not recall the year that I half started and then gave up. However I started blogging on All About Anime seriously since November 2015, so it has only really been 5 months now.

3 I have 29 followers, and that is a lot more than I thought I would get. I never really expected that people would read my thoughts and opinions never mind actually following me so that they could see the new stuff I post! So to those who follow and support me, THANK YOU!

4 Grady P Brown was the very first one to follow me!

5 I have always wanted to write and have been writing since I was eleven or twelve. It was only through my work that I discovered the wonderful world of blogging. It took a while for me to actually create my own blog but I was hooked from the first time I hit the publish button.

6 My favorite part about blogging is the readers reactions, it is also my most nerve wrecking. I also rather enjoy actually putting my thoughts into some tangible form where I can really reflect on what I thought and felt about particular things rather than storing it in the back of my brain never to think about it again.

7 Hmm, I am not sure what I would improve. I suppose it would be accessibility of the posts, some days I dream of an ‘anime bloggers platform’ on social media where we could automatically all link our posts so it gets shared to the whole community at once and everyone could all see the posts without having to search hashtags. As well as the community of bloggers themselves. It can seem quite intimidating to see the close-knit group of bloggers commenting and interacting on each others blogs. I love the community and the people are friendly, I just wish I could converse easily and follow through with a conversation without making it stilted. However I suppose that is more myself than the actual blogging.

8 I’ve never given much thought to why I continue to blog. I suppose it has gotten to the point where I feel something is missing when I don’t write.

My Nominations Are:

1 The Otaku Judge

2 Sleeping Geeks

3 Problems With Infinity

4 Also anyone that is reading this!


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5 thoughts on “The Blogger’s Story Award

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  1. 1. The Otaku Judge
    2. Since August 2013
    3. 375 followers
    4. Someone named C has been inactive for a few years.
    5. After penning reviews for third party sites I decided to create my own web presence.
    6. Interacting with fellow anime fans,
    7. I wish I was artistic enough to change the dreary design of my blog.
    8. To satisfy my desire to write.

  2. I hope you grow strength to strength Tessa :). Your blog is always interesting :D. It can be difficult or even daunting at first when commenting on other blogs, especially when little groups are formed, try to relax and more importantly be yourself and have fun. Try not to put pressure on yourself as well. This makes blogging less fun.
    You’ll find that as you become accustom to commenting to others, they’ll become accustom to your quirks and personality. You’ll find yourselves commenting on each others blogs, essentially becoming blogger friends. I remember when I was just a quiet little blogger xDD. These days I’m fairly loud..ok maybe not loud but certainly open.

    1. Thank you, I love your comments. It’s hard not to put pressure on but I do try to remind myself it is okay and I always have fun writing. I have now set a goal to at least comment once a week on someones blog. Not too hard I hope since I frequent a lot of blogs. :p

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